Press Release – 12 December 2019.
Shairana Ali, Chief Executive Officer of Save the Children Fiji commends the Judiciary for imposing harsher penalties for those who commit heinous crimes against children particularly trafficking of children for servitude and sex trafficking.
Ms Ali commented after the Suva High Court sentenced a child trafficker today (12/12/19) to 14 years of imprisonment with a non-parole period of 10 years.
Child Trafficking is a crime that needs to be dealt with swiftly and offences such as these call for just sentencing that protect the dignity and rights of these children. Ms Ali said. “In this case, we are pleased that the Judiciary has exercised the laws on child rights and protection of minors however, civil society, government and the general public need to work hand in hand to protect children and prevent such crimes. Ms Ali continues.
Sexual abuse of children is prevalent in our communities with the majority of the perpetrators being known to these children. Such offences have a serious long-term impact on children and their emotional, psychological and physical wellbeing is compromised and they carry this violation of their dignity for the rest of their lives. Therefore, sentences imposed should reflect the seriousness of such crimes against children which is a direct breach of their rights. “We are calling on the judiciary and service providers and the community to continue providing quality support to the children who were involved in this case and to protect their dignity and rights as they progress in life. These children have suffered immensely as a result of the crimes committed on them and it is our duty to love and protect them from harm. We are also calling on the Judiciary to exercise its judicial powers and offer non-parole sentencing for offenders that commit crimes against children.
For further information, please contact the undersigned. Shairana Ali | Save the Children | Chief Executive Officer 25 Pender Street | Suva | Fiji | P.O. Box 2249 Govt Building, Suva T: (679) 3313178 M: (679) 8613 237 E: shairana.ali@savethechildren.org |