Save. Sip. Survive.
During the 1997-1998 drought in Fiji many communities were found to prioritise water for cooking over washing hands and cleaning. This means the outbreak of water borne diseases like diarrhea and scabies had a real impact on children. This year children raced to bring awareness to this in their Race for Survival. This A4 poster [...]

Breastfeed for the brain
Breastfeeding in dry weather helps protect babies from sickness as it transfers healthy parts of the mother to the child. In dry weather make sure you continue to breastfeed children. It is proven that breastfeeding straight for 6 months and then bringing in complimentary feeding with solids whilst continuing to breastfeed for up to two [...]

Compost Toilet Design – Factsheet
Compost toilets can reduce the amount of water needed for proper sanitation and in times of drought can be useful to create in your community. These are only suitable for particular communities that have the right soil so talk to your local health nurse to find out if your community is suitable.