CaLP Glossary English
A glossary is simply an alphabetical list of terms or words found in or relating to a specific subject with explanations. This is a glossary of terms or words relating to the use of cash and vouchers in humanitarian assistance. The primary objectives of this Glossary are to provide clarity and encourage common understanding and [...]

EiE School Safety Policy NGO Alliance
Safe Learning Facilities involves education authorities, architects, engineers, builders and school community members in safe site election, design, construction and maintenance (including safe and continuous access to the facility). The key responsibilities for both public and private schools are to:

EIE and Safer School Policy
The objective of this policy is to provide a framework for Education in Emergencies [hereinafter referred to as EIE] for the Ministry of Education and schools in Fiji and proactively put in place initial safety measures that are aligned to the Comprehensive School Safety framework and INEE Minimum Standards to ensure the safety of children […]